Unsere drei Ehrenmitglieder aus England seit 2008 |
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Auf dem Bild sind unsere Ehrenmitglieder aus England zu sehen. Die ganze unglaubliche Geschichte könnt ihr euch hier durchlesen. Es handelt sich dabei um den Text einer Mail aus dem August 2008:
Greetings from England! I am Dominic and am responding to your request for a picture of me and my 2 friends wearing your lovely football shirts.The story as to how we purchased them is really quite interesting as I hope you'll agree. Basically, we were all camping at an outdoor 3 day music festival in the north of England called the Leeds Weekend. Between watching bands such as Metallica and Rage against the Machine, my friend Tom and I were wandering around the venue to kill some time, where they have several small speciality shops selling clothing and hats and such things. Our eyes were drawn to a vintage clothing shop, and as we went inside, we noticed they had several '80s vintage football shirts' for sale, all for a mere £5! Being huge football fans, we rifled through the selection of shirts and came across 5 of your shirts, looking fantastic with their Puma logo and your group's name emblazoned across the front. We had being drinking slightly by this point, and decided it would be funny if we each bought a shirt of this football team we had never heard of and walked around all day proudly in it. We therefore picked out 2 of the shirts (numbers 9 and 10, a potent strikeforce we were!), paid £5 each for them and went on our merry way. Later, we bumped into our friend Calum who also decided he would like a Jugendgruppe Morschreuth shirt, so we went back to the shop and bought him one too! (number 7). When we got home from the festival i googled the name on the front to see if you were indeed a football team as we had never heard of you, and came across your delightful website, and I left a message to see how we had come across our shirts. I'd be fascinated to know how the football shirts from a German youth group of 10 years ago managed to find its way into the grateful hands of some English teenagers! Nevertheless we are thankful that they did. I hope the picture demonstrates we wear the shirts with pride. Feel free to use the picture and the story on your website. I hope it interests and entertains your members! All the best, Dominic (Honourary Member of Jugendgruppe Morschreuth) PS: Your name is impossible to pronounce for us! But we do our best. |